
Generate and upload an ipa file to

This should be called from danger.
More information in the device_grid guide.

Supported platforms ios
Author @KrauseFx


Key Description Default
xcodebuild Parameters that are passed to the xcodebuild action {}
scheme The scheme to build. Can also be passed using the xcodebuild parameter
api_token API Token
public_key If not provided, a new app will be created. If provided, the existing build will be overwritten
note Notes you wish to add to the uploaded app
timeout The number of seconds to wait until automatically ending the session due to user inactivity. Must be 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 300, 600, 1800, 3600 or 7200. Default is 120

* = default value is dependent on the user's system


To show the documentation in your terminal, run

fastlane action build_and_upload_to_appetize


It is recommended to add the above action into your Fastfile, however sometimes you might want to run one-offs. To do so, you can run the following command from your terminal

fastlane run build_and_upload_to_appetize

To pass parameters, make use of the : symbol, for example

fastlane run build_and_upload_to_appetize parameter1:"value1" parameter2:"value2"

It's important to note that the CLI supports primitive types like integers, floats, booleans, and strings. Arrays can be passed as a comma delimited string (e.g. param:"1,2,3"). Hashes are not currently supported.

It is recommended to add all fastlane actions you use to your Fastfile.

Source code

This action, just like the rest of fastlane, is fully open source, view the source code on GitHub

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